Friday, September 20, 2013


[Use Soundwave's voice for full effect!]

Hello everyone, this my fifth deck analysis. I enjoy doing the analysis and like the challenge. It is my hope that with this analysis, the author and my readers get ideas for their own decks and hopefully make them look at deck designs in a new way. My goal is for me to hone my deck analysis using what I have learned while playing and in previous blogs. Here is the deck below.

Deck Name : Classic Tremere Tricks
Author : Osny M.
Description : It's a well-rounded Tremere deck that have some pretty good results in most games that I play. The only thing that most of the time I discard right away is the Sword of Nuln but, in some cases, it serves the purpose of some kind of intimidation in combat.

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 5 max: 10 average: 7.5

1x Lucas Halton           10 AUS CEL DOM THA qui      prince   Tremere:3
1x Lille Haake            9  AUS DOM THA nec pre      primogen Tremere:3
1x Oliver Thrace          9  AUS DOM THA nec obf pot           Tremere:3
1x Anastasz di Zagreb     8  AUS THA ani cel dom      justicar Tremere:3
1x Ardan Lane             8  AUS THA dom obf pre      primogen Tremere:3
1x Erichtho               8  AUS DOM THA cel obf               Tremere:3
1x Carna, The Princes     7  AUS DOM THA              primogen Tremere:3
1x Muaziz, Archon of      7  THA aus dom for                   Tremere:2
1x Virstania, The Gre     7  AUS THA dom pre vic               Tremere:3
1x Eugenio Estevez        6  AUS THA dom for                   Tremere:3
1x Valois Sang, The W     6  AUS DOM nec tha                   Tremere:3
1x Aisling Sturbridge     5  AUS THA dom                       Tremere:2

Library [90 cards]

Master [16]
  1x Academic Hunting Ground
  1x Arcane Library
  4x Blood Doll
  1x Chantry
  2x Dominate
  2x Haven Uncovered
  1x Information Highway
  1x Mob Connections
  2x Special Report
  1x Wasserschloss Anif, Austria

Action [8]
  2x Dominate Kine
  4x Govern the Unaligned
  1x Magic of the Smith
  1x Rutor's Hand

Action Modifier [8]
  4x Bonding
  4x Seduction

Ally [1]
  1x Thadius Zho, Mage

Equipment [3]
  2x Leather Jacket
  1x Sword of Nuln

Combat [30]
  10x Apportation
  2x Aura Reading
  2x Blood to Water
  6x Theft of Vitae
  4x Walk of Flame
  6x Wind Dance

Reaction [24]
  4x Deflection
  2x Eagle's Sight
  2x Enhanced Senses
  6x Forced Awakening
  2x Precognition
  2x Spirit's Touch
  2x Telepathic Counter
  4x Telepathic Misdirection

WHO IS THE AUTHOR: Osny is a buddy of mine from Brazil who comes to visit us New Yorkers every couple of years and plays with us some good ole vtes. I was talking to him about how I haven't done a deck deconstruction for a while and I decided that I would ask him for a deck. This is what he sent me and I was intrigued!


[Adam Notes:] If one has read my previous posts, there are certain questions that should be asked in order to analyze a deck.
Here they are again:

1) Is my Machine a Bleed or Vote machine?
2) What is my Engine to make my machine work?
3a) What cards/decks, cause my Machine to fail?
3b) Does my Engine have an answer for it?
3c) Are those cards/decks likely to be seen?

1) Is my Machine a Bleed or Vote machine? -- So with the library shown we can see that its not a vote deck (although with a slight crypt change it could be. So it must be a bleed deck. At first glance, the bleed seems a little small, so we will address that.

2) What is my Engine to make my machine work? -- His engine is a "grind", i.e. minor wall (12 cards)/combat(30 cards). Similar to Ventrue "Stickmen" decks, the idea is to let people (like their prey) play their game and when the "beads" (pool) is mostly off the table, that is when you win.*

*This is one of the hardest engines to play actually because there is a tendency to do too much of it, which can lead to (a) timing out tables when pool is not being lost fast enough or b) you stop you predator, but don't have enough to stop next predator and don't have enough forward to give pressure to do both. This deck has this problem in my opinion, but by the end of this article, we should have some possible solutions for this.

3a) What cards/decks, cause my Machine to fail? -- A dedicated deck. Pure Stealth Bleed. Stealth Vote. Possibly pure combat would give this a problem. Small cap Dementation comes to mind when I see all those large vampires.*

3b) Does my Engine have an answer for it? -- I should note that Osny's deck has the solution to ALL of these "machine failures" in his deck! [Which is the main point of a Toolbox Deck!] What he doesn't have is a way to get to those solutions into his hand. This deck can easily have the wrong hand for the situation and jam on it.

3c) Are those cards/decks likely to be seen? -- As of Sept 2013, I would say that Osny has a 50/50 chance of having a deck that can be a problem for him. The two main types of decks are Dedicates decks (problem), and tool-up deck (not problem). They are other issues of common deck like classic Tzimisce that might be a problem. But really that is more of wall-versus-wall = timeout issue.

Review: This deck has the tools for the job! But getting the right tools in hand is the issue.

Now that we have the baseline for what we are looking for, we can address the crypt and library itself.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This review will be a little different. I'm aware that Osny's playgroup has trouble getting some of the newer cards (or certain rares), so I will try to give recommendations twice. First one is the preferred card, and second will be a "common alternative". For those who read an old old article of mine "Best is not always better"  [], one can see that other cards are just as good with the appropriate adjustments.


Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 5 max: 10 average: 7.5

1x Lucas Halton           10 AUS CEL DOM THA qui      prince   Tremere:3
1x Lille Haake            9  AUS DOM THA nec pre      primogen Tremere:3
1x Oliver Thrace          9  AUS DOM THA nec obf pot           Tremere:3
1x Anastasz di Zagreb     8  AUS THA ani cel dom      justicar Tremere:3
1x Ardan Lane             8  AUS THA dom obf pre      primogen Tremere:3
1x Erichtho               8  AUS DOM THA cel obf               Tremere:3
1x Carna, The Princes     7  AUS DOM THA              primogen Tremere:3
1x Muaziz, Archon of      7  THA aus dom for                   Tremere:2
1x Virstania, The Gre     7  AUS THA dom pre vic               Tremere:3
1x Eugenio Estevez        6  AUS THA dom for                   Tremere:3
1x Valois Sang, The W     6  AUS DOM nec tha                   Tremere:3
1x Aisling Sturbridge     5  AUS THA dom                       Tremere:2

Alot of people looking at this crypt would say that is needs to be more focused... but I like it! This looks like a fun deck to play. Each time you play it, it is highly likely that your crypt will be different, which makes it seem "new". But we need to consider some worse case scenarios so that the deck is not ousted before it gets to play.

A lot of big vampires. There is a chance that one would have to spend between 16-19 pool on just two vampires. Currently he has 8 wakes. I usually go by the following rule:

For every three capacity, each turn a vampire should be able to do an action OR reaction. So a 6 capacity should be able to act once, then wake and react. [The 3 capacity guideline I'm still thinking about, it may be every 4 capacity.] So according to this, his current deck with two minions, his vampires are acting to their full potential... for 3-4 turns. Since all his vampires are in play around turn 4-5, that gives us about up to turn 8-9. Since an average game goes to about 13 turns, there around about 4 turns where this deck will be starving for wakes.

But since this is a crypt discussion, lets get back to the vampires. So what about non-Tremere? Currently there are only 6 cards in the deck that require Tremere. Are there other vampires that can aid the problems we are talking about? If one does a search for group 2-3 for aus dom tha you get some interesting choices.

 - Hannigan (5 cap Tremere Anti AUS dom THA) - identical to Aisling Sturbringe, this is a fine "small" vampire.
 - Bryan Van Duesen (7 cap Tremere Anti aus DOM pre THA) +1 bleed -- while the inferior AUS is not ideal, the +1 Bleed is good since bleeding is an issue in this "Bleed deck."
 - Marino Reymundo Vasquez (9 cap Tremere Anti ani AUS DOM NEC THA  Archbishop) +1 bleed
Sascha Vykos, The Angel of Caine (ADV)    8    ani dom AUS THA VIC    Tzimisce    Advanced, Sabbat Archbishop of Washington, D.C.: If Sascha is ready, you may draw a card from your library whenever another Methuselah plays a master card. [MERGE] Sabbat cardinal.  ---- This guy (make sure it's the Advanced!) is EXCELLENT for this deck*. The ability to draw a card every time someone plays a master card means that you can fix you hand appropriately! Some might not like the inferior dominate, but in the current deck list, you only have 4 Govern the Unaligned and 3 other vampires bigger then an 8 cap. A good swap for Ardan Lane (there is only 6 Theft of Vitae).

* Note that Lille Haake and Oliver Thrace also have minor abilities to adjust one's hand.

Honorable Mention: Selena, Ladislas Toth**, Kij Dansky**
**These two are especially good if you choose to try a vote theme instead of bleed.

Now, remember this IS a Tremere deck (which we will talk about below), so these guys are support vampires. No more then 4 out of your crypt I would make non-Tremere.


Library Overview: Remember what I said about actions? Each turn, if your vampire is a 8-9 cap, he has to do an action and have 2 wakes ready to react to something. And as a 9 cap, "bleed for 1" is not going to cut it. This in conjunction with building your hand so you have a "good turn".


Master [16]
  1x Academic Hunting Ground
  1x Arcane Library
  4x Blood Doll
  1x Chantry
  2x Dominate
  2x Haven Uncovered
  1x Information Highway
  1x Mob Connections
  2x Special Report
  1x Wasserschloss Anif, Austria

[Adam Notes:] So it is good you are not spending a lot of pool on this. With you large vampires and ally/equipment, you have to be careful. Still in order to handle some of the issues we mentioned we are going to have to make some cuts and changes.

Cards to add:
- Dreams of the Sphinx: It's that good for your deck, it allows you to get out your vampires quicker and it allows you to cycle through your hand. 1-2 copies. [Common alternative: The Barrens]
- The Barrens: Yes it is a common alternative, but it is that good. It can be played turn 1 and doubles your discard potential.
- Anarch Troublemaker: Given the lack of stealth and unable to handle things like Ivory Bow, this card is very useful.
- Erciyes Fragments: You are playing Auspex and Dominate (and some of your guys have obf or nec). The odds that you can play with your prey's ash heap is very likely. [Don't forget to spike it with a bad card if someone tries to take it!]
- Golconda: Inner Peace: In today's big vampire environment this card is always useful, and can give you a nice "reset" by getting rid of your own vampire.
- Sudden Reversal: This is for another article, but you would be surprised about how many decks are made much better by key master cards. Denying this is important!
- Villein : big vampires means you need to get the blood back to pool quickly. [Common alternative: Minion Tap]
- Metro Underground - I find it amazing that this card is not played more. Remember what I said about extra "actions/reactions", this allows you +1 "reaction" (you just untap earlier) for cost of a pool.
- Wider View: Even though you are playing with different 4 vampires each game, you may want to search for one of your relatively smaller guys

The above cards are all the "usual suspects". Here are some other cards that I think are viable options:
- Society of Leopold - an underused card. Strong in burning vampires. With theft and blocking if they try to put it back on you its pretty strong.
- Fear of Mekket - While this is considered a meta-game card, Justicar/Inner Circle is so common that is goes in almost all my decks.
- Dark Influences - While I'm not a fan of DI and this card, in today's meta game of 12 governs, or 12 KRC, this card can be quite useful. The fact that they can't play any more for the turn is pretty good.
- Pentex Subversion: I believe you could defend this with your current deck. But unless you increase your bleed its not a great lunge card.

I guess I would have something like:
Master [16]
  1x Academic Hunting Ground
  1x Arcane Library
  1x The Barrens
  2x Blood Doll
  1x Chantry
  2x Dreams of the Sphinx
  1x Erciyes Fragment (can be Metro Underground)
  1x Fear of Mekket (can be Anarch Troublemaker or another Heidlburg)
  2x Haven Uncovered
  2x Sudden Reversal
  2x Villein (can be Minion Tap)



Action [8]
  2x Dominate Kine
  4x Govern the Unaligned
  1x Magic of the Smith
  1x Rutor's Hand

Action Modifier [8]
  4x Bonding
  4x Seduction

Ally [1]
  1x Thadius Zho, Mage

Equipment [3]
  2x Leather Jacket
  1x Sword of Nuln

[Adam Notes:] Actions! Okay, so to recap. We need to take an action a turn with 1-2 minions (dependent on wakes left), and with such big fatty vampires, we don't want it to be a small bleed for 1. There are 13 turns in the game, but the first 3 no actions can be taken (no vampires), so you need about 15 or more actions (1.5 minions x 10 turns). This can be adjusted if your vampires have action abilities (+bleed or built in rush).

You currently have 12 actions, lets see if we can adjust this.

Your current action cards are fine I would say. Most people would say that you should add more dominate. [When they say that, they usually mean 8-10 Govern, 8-10 Conditioning, 8-10 deflection!] What they mean is that you need more what they call "payload". But your deck is a little different, you have a decent amount of combat and intercept. You don't have the room for all of that. This deck seems to be more of a "handle what is being thrown at me" deck. [Which is NOT wrong! Just different. :) ]

What being said, we do need to increase your bleed (being a bleed deck). Since you are playing 90 cards I would increase the Govern by 2, but also add simple cards like J.S Simmons, Tasha Morgan, Robert Carter. These are always great, especially with Heidlburg Castle. Also, you don't want to get into combat based only on the 2 Haven Uncovered. Rushes (Harass or Nose of the Hound) are good examples.

I increased the Rutor's Hand and would like to increase it even more! It's like a free wake but you need to draw it early!

While Sword of Nuln is interesting, its not really worth it unless you have +str. [There are a couple of Tremere who do but that is a different deck.] Better would be Ivory bow. And remember what we said about having to have the right hand for the job? Heart of Nizchetus is very good at that. While the leather jackets are useful, its your other combat that will really save you. I would add a .44 magnum (always part of a 'true' toolbox deck). You would be surprised how often that (or Sniper Rifle) just ends a potence deck game.

Ankara Citadel is a must for all Tremere decks.

Thadius Zho... so this is a great ally. But can you afford him? 4 pool is steep. This could be a Carlton van Wyck and/or a Ponticlus.

Seduction is good, but only if you are dealing with a lot of permament intercept (and it doesn't work on allies). If you have Mirror Walk I would use that. If you don't, just accept that you are going to get blocked and adjust your combat (which we will do). Also, don't discount the difference between 2 Bleed and 3-4 bleed. When you bleed for "1", your prey has to decide whether or not to block and maybe lose a minion, or maybe just taking a bleed of 1. In today's game of bloating, a bleed of 2 is a pitance. Switch Bonding to Conditioning and Threats. If you get deflected, well you are acting at zero stealth anyway.

OPTIONAL: If you really like Sword of Nuln, you should first put 2 copies in and maybe increase Magic of the Smith. Then drop some cards so that you can have 4 Biothaumaturgic Experiment (it's a common). The +1 strength and maneuver is quite good for this deck.

I would have something like:
Action [12]
  1x Dominate Kine
  6x Govern the Unaligned
  2x Magic of the Smith
  2x Rutor's Hand
  1x Nose of the Hound

Action Modifier [7]
  2x Threats
  2x Conditioning
  3x Mirror Walk

Ally [2] (These can be switched for Bowl of Convergence and Sport Bike, if so choose.)
  1x Carlton Van Wyck
  1x Ponticlus

Retainer [2]
  1x Tasha Morgan
  1x J.S Simmons

Equipment [4]
  1x .44 Magnum
  1x Ankara Citadel
  1x Ivory Bow
  1x Heart of Nizchetus

Total: 25 (20 actions)


What next!?! So we have now used 41 cards (18 + 25) to cover everything but Reactions and Combat. Since this is a Reaction/Combat deck, (49 cards left)this seems just about right. We will have to cut a couple of cards from Osny's deck but is should be about the same


Reaction [24]
  4x Deflection
  2x Eagle's Sight
  2x Enhanced Senses
  6x Forced Awakening
  2x Precognition
  2x Spirit's Touch
  2x Telepathic Counter
  4x Telepathic Misdirection

[Adam's Notes:] So obviously, one would first ask "where are the Eyes of Argus"? Given the crypt, this seems to be a good switch Forced Awakening for Eyes of Argus. [If you have them.] Next is, is there enough wakes? Remember the beginning of this analysis. You will have at worse case 2 vampires around 8 caps. So you need an action, and 2 reactions, for about 8 turns. Erciyes Fragment / Metro Underground can account for some, and the Rutors Hand (x2) for others but you still seem a little short. I would switch the two Telepathic Counters for some On the Qui vi (or if you don't have, just Wake with Evening Freshness). Also, would perhaps switch on Telepathic Misdirection for a My Enemy's Enemy for stacking intercept.

I would have something like:
Reaction [23]
  4x Deflection
  2x Eagle's Sight
  2x Enhanced Senses
  6x Eyes of Argus
  2x My Enemy's Enemy
  2x On the Qui Vie
  1x Precognition
  2x Spirit's Touch
  2x Telepathic Misdirection



Combat [30]
  10x Apportation
  2x Aura Reading
  2x Blood to Water
  6x Theft of Vitae
  4x Walk of Flame
  6x Wind Dance

[Adam's Notes:] Okay! So this combat package is all about "keep away". The trouble is, "keep away" decks is to make sure you survive long enough to oust your prey. But in this current deck, your forward ousting mechinic is slow. (And that's okay. There is a bunch of discussions about one should let one's prey "play their game" in order to weaken the table). But it seems that this deck is about suriviving but getting to that key second round. Let's play with that angle for a bit. Currently you have 6 cards (out of 90) that "mess people up" and 10 cards to activate them. There are a couple of other ways to do this:

Bond with the Mountain - at thaulm it is Strike: Dodge with a press (costing a blood). But this is a old rare.
Flames of the Netherworld - at thaulm is is strike 1 agg only at long range (costing a blood). No need to get into second round. The Apportation to long range (or using Biothaumaturgic Experiment for example)

And for your Wind Dance card - if celerity combat is an issue, by all means keep them. My metagame has to deal with Immortal Grapple and Majesty. Consider these three:
Read Intentions - [aus] Press, only usable to end combat. [AUS] Strike: dodge
Telepathic Tracking - (1 blood) [aus] Press, only usable to continue combat. If another round of combat occurs, this vampire gets an optional maneuver during that round. [AUS] Only usable when both combatants are still ready and combat is about to end (with no uncanceled press to continue). Combat does not end; another round starts. Primal Instincts - (1 blood) [aus] Strike: dodge. [AUS] Only usable by the acting vampire after the opposing minion has chosen his or her strike. Cancel this acting vampire`s strike and choose a new one.

It's my opinion, that at a slightly more blood cost, you can keep your "get out of trouble" theme and still punch back when appropriate. Since you don't have a lot of stealth you want them to not want to block you. This is important!

I would have something like:
Combat [26]**
  8x Apportation
  3x Aura Reading
  3x Blood to Water
  2x Bond with the Mountain
  3x Flames of the Netherworld (note that Spirit Touch and Nose of the Hound help in this)
  2x Read Intentions
  2x Walk of Flame
  2x Wind Dance
  1x Dodge   (you would be surprised how useful this is for your allies.)

**I have now added 8 cards that require blood from you vampires. But I've made it easier for you to hit for agg and to get to second round, while increasing your number of dodges. If you find that you blood loss is an issue, you should relook at your master card package (Perfectionist with Rutor's Hand is strong.) Ankara's Citadel is VERY important too for this. If you like the agg portion you may want cut some dodges, and increase your master package to include Rotschreck.

So in conclusion... your original deck is a fine deck. I just the potential of you nice big vampires (a) having the wrong hand for the job and (b) not having enough things to do. The deck doesn't run stealth, so you need to make them not want to block you.

Crypt [12 vampires]

1x Lucas Halton           10 AUS CEL DOM THA qui      prince   Tremere:3
1x Lille Haake            9  AUS DOM THA nec pre      primogen Tremere:3
1x Oliver Thrace          9  AUS DOM THA nec obf pot           Tremere:3
1x Anastasz di Zagreb     8  AUS THA ani cel dom      justicar Tremere:3
2x Sascha Vykos (ADV)       8  AUS THA VIC ani dom    Archbishop Tzimisce:2
1x Erichtho               8  AUS DOM THA cel obf               Tremere:3
1x Carna, The Princes     7  AUS DOM THA              primogen Tremere:3
1x Eugenio Estevez        6  AUS THA dom for                   Tremere:3
1x Valois Sang, The W     6  AUS DOM nec tha                   Tremere:3
1x Aisling Sturbridge     5  AUS THA dom                       Tremere:2
1x Hannigan               5  AUS THA dom                Tremere Anti:2

Master [16]
  1x Academic Hunting Ground
  1x Arcane Library
  1x The Barrens
  2x Blood Doll
  1x Chantry
  2x Dreams of the Sphinx
  1x Erciyes Fragment (can be Metro Underground)
  1x Fear of Mekket (can be Anarch Troublemaker or Heidlburg Castle perhaps)
  2x Haven Uncovered
  2x Sudden Reversal
  2x Villein (can be Minion Tap)

Action [12]
  1x Dominate Kine
  6x Govern the Unaligned
  2x Magic of the Smith
  2x Rutor's Hand
  1x Nose of the Hound

Action Modifier [7]
  2x Threats
  2x Conditioning
  3x Mirror Walk

Ally [2] (These can be switched for Bowl of Convergence and Sport Bike, if so choose.)
  1x Carlton Van Wyck
  1x Ponticlus

Retainer [2]
  1x Tasha Morgan
  1x J.S Simmons

Equipment [4]
  1x .44 Magnum
  1x Ankara Citadel
  1x Ivory Bow
  1x Heart of Nizchetus

Reaction [23]
  4x Deflection
  2x Eagle's Sight
  2x Enhanced Senses
  6x Eyes of Argus
  2x My Enemy's Enemy
  2x On the Qui Vie
  1x Precognition
  2x Spirit's Touch
  2x Telepathic Misdirection

Combat [26]
  8x Apportation
  3x Aura Reading
  3x Blood to Water
  2x Bond with the Mountain
  3x Flames of the Netherworld   2x Read Intentions
  2x Walk of Flame
  2x Wind Dance
  1x Dodge  

So I know that this was a long analysis, thanks to all who read it! And thanks to Osny to giving me this opportunity to pick at his deck. Hopefully this will allow others to look at their own Tremere decks and come up with some changes for their decks.



  1. Thanks, Adam, for your valuable advice and the time devoted to this analysis. I'm already looking for some of the cards that you recommended. Congratulations for this website! See ya ... =)

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